Articles about Buddha Phước lạc thay sự xuất hiện của chư Phật 20/06/2018 Season of Asoka flowers 17/05/2011 Namo Sakya Muni Buddha! Vesak season is coming - the full moon of the forth month was entering... Buddha’s birthday – the source of compassion and equality 11/05/2008 ... Truly, the Buddha’s compassion and equality have always spread all over all species and all... How did the Buddha behave himself when he was paid respect and offered foods to ? 31/03/2008 We all know that the Buddha was very successful and excellent in his mission known as preaching to... One day of the Buddha 27/02/2008 Buddha of our century 11/02/2008 Shakyamuni Buddha taught that his teachings would brighten this world for a time only, next the... Looking for the Buddha’s footprint in spring 04/02/2008 Thinking of the devoted life for Dharma of the Buddha, we can image the sights that had kept his... The Buddha and his teaching 14/10/2007 Recently time, the rapid development of science and technology has caused social crisis and led to... Was Buddha an Incarnation of God? 06/05/2007 Even today there are certain religionists who try to absorb the Buddha into their beliefs as a way... Buddha’s Sincerity 06/05/2007 After having long travelled all over the places to preach the teachings for the mass, Buddha once... Buddha’s Daily Life 05/05/2007 Buddha can be considered the most actively and enthusiastically religious leader in the world. He... Buddha image in the eyes of intellectuals 05/05/2007 Tandit Nehru, the Ex-Prime Minister of India has talked about the Buddha image: “Though Buddha’s... 12 News Category